Are You Deceived
or On The Truth?
Where Do You Stand?
FYI: You’re about to learn the real reasons why race and religion are the two most volatile subjects on Earth. And while we ourselves are NOT Muslims, this information will dispel many myths and much of the propaganda we, they and the entire world have all been subjected to. Enjoy The Truth!
3 Elemental Facts Every Human Being Should Know
#1: On the 5th and 6th 1,000 year days of God respectively, (Genesis 1:26-2:24) YHWH The One and Only God Created two species of mankind; First the fully telepathic jinn, then the semi-telepathic humans. (The latter being prone to “possession” by the former.)
#2: Each race having freewill and capacity to do good or evil, some male jinn raped and impregnated human women. The result was a hybrid-giant species then called “nephilim” (Genesis 6:4) whose distant offspring today are known as “jews”. (John 8:44)
#3: Originally, all of mankind knew the reality of God but that knowledge was corrupted resulting in THE ONLY THREE UNIVERSAL SECTS OF FAITH; MONOTHEISM, POLYTHEISM & NONTHEISM. (YOU are of one these, there are no other options.)
This is about Monotheism and the Final Testament we’ve recently been given to understand what this life was all about.
(The translatable version of the following graphic is below it.)
For the translator;
Adamic Lineage In Scriptural History
Gen 6:4 . . . When the “sons of God”(aka ETs like lucifer) came into (raped) the daughters of Adam who bore the nephilim. Quran 17:62 . . . I (lucifer) will infiltrate his progeny with mine. | Adam | → | THE 3 UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS SECTS; | 5000 BC | |||||
Noah | → | 4000 BC | |||||||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | |||||||
degenerate inhuman Imposters | ⌈ | Abraham (Brahma) | → | → | → | 1800 BC | |||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ||||||
↓ | Vedas | ↓ | ↓ | Hinduism | 1700 BC | ||||
↓ | Krishna | → | → | → | → | ||||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ||||||
Talmud | Isaac | Ishmael | *Talmudism | 1400 BC | |||||
luciferian diis | → | → | → | → | → | ||||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ||||||
↓ | Torah | ↓ | Theocratism | 1300 BC | |||||
↓ | Moses | → | → | → | |||||
judaism, free masonry, satanism, sorcery, witchcraft, majick, astrology, gnosticism, etc., etc., etc.. | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ||||||
Psalms | ↓ | Prophet Kingship | 970 BC | ||||||
David | → | → | → | ||||||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | |||||||
Gospel | ↓ | Christendom | 30 BC | ||||||
Yeshua (Jesus) | → | → | → | ||||||
↓ | ↓ | ||||||||
↓ | Quran | Islamism | 630 AD | ||||||
↓ | Mohamet | → | |||||||
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | |||||||
Quran For Christians | Monotheism | 2023> AD | |||||||
2nd King David, Christ, Al-Mahdi, Kalki, Mashiac, etc. | → | ||||||||
Something To Remember Along The Way . . .
Whenever ANYONE wants you to do or believe in something; resist, stop and think. The reason is important; it’s because LITERALLY ALL OF US are deceived about some things. Many of us are deceived about most things. And even many more yet are deceived about VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING. Consider that very critical FACT before buying into ANYTHING someone else is trying to tell you, regardless of who they are or how much you think of them!
For instance, take joining Islam, becoming Muslim and praying with them; Do you understand the gravity of taking any kind of OATH relating to God which could determine whether you will spend Eternity in Heaven or Hell? Think about it. Can you solemnly promise to travel all the way to Mecca for Hajj before dying? And do you solemnly promise to wash and pray formally at least 5 times per day till dead?
Here’s the key; The vast majority of people won’t do those things. Hence, they will inevitably come to assume they are failures with God. And therefore they will be infinitely more likely to slack and fail even more. CHECKMATE!!! Here’s the deal; ONLY DO WHAT GOD COMPELS US TO DO. It’s simple. And as to agreeing to pray with others, are you sure you want to use their GENERIC, unspecific descriptors like “god”, “lord”, “allah”, etc.? Or gravely worse yet, invoking “sus”, “amen” or any other false g-ds and DEMONS in your prayers! See the problems?
FACT: Today, the only major “organized religion” that comes close to Gods’ Way of Monotheism is that of Islam. BUT…
Reading the Quran does NOT make one a convert to Islam.
(Or any other bogus religious theologies popularized today.)
Hence while Muslims are closest to the proverbial mark, most are still deceived and therefore parrot deceptions. (These unfortunate souls are known and used by the enemies as ”mockingbirds”.) So, count yourself among the lucky “blank slates” if you’re not among them and are new to Monotheism or Gods’ Final Testament to mankind.
Let us see what We The People were never supposed to learn about all this.
World Muslim/Monotheism FACTS:
- Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
- Jesus spoke Aramaic and generic “God” in Aramaic is “Allah”!
- Every 4th person in the world is now a MONOTHEIST.
- Populations of 58 out of 189 countries are 50% + Muslim.
- 2nd largest faith in US, UK, France, Canada and Germany.
- Now over 10 million Monotheists in the US and Canada.
- Now over 4,000 Mosques in the US and Canada.
If you believe there’s only The One God, you’re just a step away from True Monotheism. That step is learning Mohamet was Gods’ last prophet. And FYI; 1,000s of his prophecies have came true with 100% accuracy. More than any other in all of history!
Common Views Among Christians & Muslims
1. The Bible and Quran agree: . . . on worship of God as The Lone, Sovereign Individual. “I Am The First and I Am The Last, besides Me there is no God.” (Isaiah 44:6) “The Lord our God Is One.” (Mark 12:29) “He Is God, The One and Only.” (Quran 112:1)
2. Prophets: Muslims believe in and RESPECT ALL real Prophets of God mentioned in the Vedas, Bible and Quran as equals.
3. Birth of Jesus: (Yeshua hereafter) Besides Christianity, Islam is the only religion that embraces the miraculous birth of Yeshua. He also gets 100% honorable mention 25 times in the (short) Quran.
4. The Highest Honor of All Women: . . . is given to Mary, Yeshuas’ mother by being the ONLY women named in the Quran. She is also even given a full chapter of her own. (#19 titled “Maryam”)
5. Greetings: Yeshua and ALL the prophets had the same custom of always remembering to say: “Peace be upon you” to their brethren.
6. Taking Off Shoes: God ordered Moses to take off his shoes. “Put off shoes from your feet.” (Exodus 3:5 and the same with Joshua in Joshua 5:15) Muslims take off shoes to enter Mosques.
7. Purification Before Prayers: “Moses cleansed his feet.” (Exodus 40:31-32) “Paul cleansed himself and went into the temple.” (Acts 21:26) Muslims clean themselves before group prayers to benefit each other. “Wash your faces and your hands to the elbows and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles.” (Quran 5:6)
8. Fasting: Yeshua fasted 40 days. (Mat 4:2) Muslims fast 1 month each year during Ramadan, the 9th month in the Hijiri calendar.
9. Humble, Bowing Heads During Prayer: “Abraham fell on his face…” (Genesis 17:3) “Moses bowed his head…” (Exodus 34:8) “Yeshua fell on his face and prayed.” (Mat 26:39) All Muslims learn to bow their heads to the ground while praying.
10. No Statues / Images: “Thou shall not serve any graven image.” (10 Commandments) Monotheists do not serve, pray or bow to statues, images, people or anything other than The One God.
11. X-mas Trees: Decorating trees is forbidden in the Bible. (Jeremiah 10:2-5) Muslims do not decorate trees.
12. The Everlasting Covenant: God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants. (Genesis 17:7) ALL Muslims still keep this covenant, they circumcise all their sons at birth.
13. Line of Ishmael: God chose the name Ishmael Himself. (Gen 16:11) Muslims totally respect both Ishmael and Isaac (the father of Israel) as honored sons of our patriarch Abraham.
14. The Messiah, Mahdi, Kalki, Christ, King to Come, etc.: Like Christians, Muslims also believe God Is Sending Yeshua to usher in the millennial reign with justice and peace on Earth, soon.
15. Angels: Like Christians, Muslims also believe God Uses His Angels to help and guide each of us during this lifetime.
16. Usury / Interest Forbidden: “Take no usury.” (Lev 25:36) “He has not put out his money to usury.” (Psalms 15:5) Charging interest is strictly forbidden in Islam. Imagine a world without greedy, corrupt, money grubbing, satanic bankers. It’s coming!
17. No Faggotry: “God rained molten stones upon Sodom and Gomorrah.” (Gen 19:24) “They surely shall be put to death.” (Lev 20:13) “Lo! Of all available you seek males? While leaving what your Lord Created for you among females?” (Quran 26:165)
18. Demons and Possession: Muslims strongly believe in paranormal activities. They know we are not alone and are constantly being tempted by “jinn”. (aka “demons”, “shedim”, “spirits”, etc. in the Bible)
19. Accountability: “Each person shall receive their own reward.” (1 Corinthians 3:8) “Every soul will be Rewarded for what it earned and none will be wronged.” (Quran 45:22)
How much do people know about Mohamet?
- He was the last prophet (but not last messenger) from God till the Day of Judgment and he brought the Quran for the entire world.
- He is just another of Gods’ Prophets all of whom were human. He is not God in any way and therefore Muslims do not worship him.
- He began at age 40, spent 10 years in Mecca then 13 in Medina to spread MONOTHEISM for God. There was no other name for it back then and as we have already covered, there still isn’t.
- The Quran was fastidiously revealed to him in its original and PERFECT Arabic verbiage via Gods’ arch angel Gabriel.
- He was an otherwise ordinary guy with family and children before he became a prophet for God and the leader of his nation about 609 years after Yeshuas’ ministry ended.
Biblical Prophecies about Mohamet
Reliable references about Mohamet in the Old Testament:
1. God Blessed Abraham: God promised that Abraham would father some great nations and he did. (Hinduism, Christendom & Islam.) Mohamet came from the progeny of Abraham through Ishmael and Monotheism via Islam became the greatest nation on Earth for centuries, today it is still the 2nd greatest. It will be #1 again soon!
2. The “Rejected Stones”: Many of Gods’ greatest messengers including David and Yeshua were called such. Yeshua prophesied another prophet coming AFTER himself; “For I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.” (Mat 3:9)
3. The Unlearned Man: Mohamet was illiterate. It was prophesied (in Isaiah 29:12) to be said to a future man; “read this” and he replied; “I am not learned.” Mohamet is the only unlearned prophet we know of that is EVER mentioned in ANY of the scriptures.
4. More on the Significance of the Unlearned Man: “And thou Mohamet read no book before nor wrote thou anything with thy hand for if thou did the falsifiers might not believe.” (Quran 29:48) “I Will Put My Words in his mouth and he shall speak them all.” (NT John 16:13 AND OT Isaiah 28:10-11) Mohamet did not write the Quran but rather heard, memorized and RECITED it. Thus Did God Miraculously Have His Words put in Mohamets’ mouth.
5. A future prophet from Arabia: “. . . Arabia, and all the Princes of Kedar…” (Ezekiel 27:21)
6. Moses was a prototype of Mohamet: God said to Moses; “I Will Raise Up a prophet like unto thee.” (Deut 18:18) Mohamet was the only future prophet like Moses who was also a law bringer AND a priest AND a commander who God used to emancipate his people.
7. The Successful: “He will not fall or be discouraged till justice is established in the earth.” (Isaiah 42:1-4) In spite of unending persecution, physical assaults and many military tours, he survived and was never discouraged nor did he express despair.
8. The prophet to come with 10,000 Saints: “He will come with 10,000 saints and in his right hand will be a fiery law.” (Deut 33:2) Mohamet took Mecca with 10,000 soldiers and brought a complete code of laws identical to, but as customary with all later prophets, perfected with more details than those given to Moses.
9. Until Shiloh Come: Jacob told his children; “…until Shiloh come…” (Gen 49:10) The Hebrew “Shiloh” means “Peace” and in Arabic “Islam” means “Peace”.
10. Pilgrims of the Mecca Valley: “…they go through the valley of Mecca; there it has a place of springs and the early rain covers it with pools.” (Psalms 84:5-6) Mecca is where the famously ample and mysterious Zam-Zam springs come forth to this very day. And the Mecca valley is well known to have flooded often.
11. Revealed Little by Little: “He teaches knowledge… line upon line; here a little, and there a little.” (Isaiah 28:9-11) The Quran was revealed to Mohamet by Gabriel gradually, piece by piece over the long course of 23 yrs; “here a little, and there a little”.
12. OT Prophecy By Name: “Mohamet” is mentioned by name: “Cheeko mane tah kim, vechulo Mohomadim”, translated “His language is most sweet, he is Mohamet.” (Song of Solomon 5:16)
13. Proof of Prophethood: “When a Prophet speaks, if his Word does not come to pass or come true, it is word which the Lord has not spoken.” (Deut 18:22) After over 1,400 years now, NONE of the THOUSANDS of Mohamets’ prophecies have been wrong!
Of all Mohamets prophecies only a handful were for times of ole; i.e. Overthrow of the Persian Empire and confiscation of the Emperors’ treasures. That Suraqa, a companion of his, would get the bracelets of Ceasar. That the Romans would defeat the Persians. (Quran 30:3) That Chapter “Rum/Rome” of the Quran was revealed around 615AD in support of Christians. The Roman orthodox Christians won that battle 12 years later in 627 AD. He also said Muslims would soon conquer the Persian and Byzantium empires. Then came the 634AD battle of Yarmuk when they defeated the Byzantine Army and next in 637AD the battle of Madain where they defeated the Persians. The rest of his prophecies were recorded in the “hadiths”, most having to do with end times. Hence, they’ve been unfolding increasingly of recent.
14. The Absolute Importance of The LAST Testament. Few realize it but we are clearly and repeatedly advised in both the Vedas and the Bible that we all must read, at minimum, the Quran to avoid certain destruction. Having just the Vedas or Bible alone won’t cut it. The first warning we’ll cover is from the New Testament quoting the prophet Moses of the Old Testament thereby solidifying itself across a long expanse of time and 40+ major prophets between Moses and Yeshua. Here is that warning of certain destruction for anyone who doesn’t read the Quran;
“For Moses said unto the fathers, a prophet Shall The Lord your God Raise Up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, SHALL BE DESTROYED from among the people.” (Acts 3:22) That says those who refuse to embrace Gods’ Last Scripture from Mohamet are condemned to destruction! The key here is the words “like unto me” which are used again in the verse below as “like you” which eliminates all the other prophets after Moses, especially Yeshua because he wasn’t like Moses at all. Rather Mohamet is definitely the most like Moses being a warrior, a commander, a judge who could issue orders for executions and a bringer of new laws, none of which apply to Yeshua. Also, both Moses and Mohamet were born naturally instead of immaculately, were married, had children, were widely accepted as prophets and died natural deaths. Again, none of those apply to Yeshua. These facts combined with what follows make this a very clear cut case for Mohamet being the one prophesied!
Indeed, very few realize it but Mohamet was in fact prophesied in both the OT and NT, as well as some 14 times in the Vedas.
“I (God) Will Raise up for them a prophet like you (again Moses) from among their brethren; and I Will Put My Words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I Command him.” (Deut 18:18) Mohamet didn’t read or write, he memorized and repeated what God had Gabriel tell him to his followers! They in turn did the same with the entire Quran which is likened to one long song or prose. Millions have it all memorized word for exact Arabic word to this very day.
The next verse after that one drives home yet another stern warning regarding this; “And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of them.” (Deut 18:19) Other translations say “I will take vengeance on them”, “I will be the revenger” or “I will hold them accountable”, etc. Either way, God is clearly saying whoever refuses to study the Quran is headed for Hell and the reason is because they will remain deceived by the various mistranslations of previous scriptures.
Another solid one along the same line of noting Mohamets’ rare state of illiteracy among prophets is from the OT in Isaiah wherein God Is Describing a span of time without prophets which matches the time and peoples of Arabia during Mohamets’ life which was about 650 years after Yeshuas’ ministry; “And the book shall be given to one that knoweth no letters, and it shall be said to him: Read. And he shall answer: I know no letters.” (Isaiah 29:12) That is yet another unmistakable clue surrounding Mohamets’ unique state of illiteracy.
And a couple more prophecies about Mohamet in the new testament are where Yeshua himself says; “Nevertheless I tell you the Truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter (Gabriel via the last prophet Mohamet) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” (John 16:7) It might be worth noting that many believe Yeshua was actually Gabriel or at the very least one of the most heavily aided by him, which would make perfect sense of this verse. If he didn’t go away, he couldn’t come back to speak to/through Mohamet!
That would explain many things about Yeshua would it not? i.e. the immaculate conception, preaching/advising as an infant from the cradle, performing big miracles including bringing the dead to life, healing the sick/blind, repeatedly disappearing and reappearing, having very deep knowledge, speaking in highly advanced parables and etc.
And Yeshua said; “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth (again Gabriel via Mohamet) is come, he will guide you into all Truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: (John 16:12-14) Again, the unwritten Quran from Gabriel, and he will shew you things to come. Having made 1,000s of prophesies, Mohamet was the most prolific prophesier of all BY FAR! He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, Speaking of Yeshuas’ story/legacy. This proves we’re not talking solely about Gabriel himself as the “Spirit of Truth” because he would already HAVE Yeshuas’ story/legacy and would not need to “receive” it like Mohamet did. and shall shew it unto you.” And indeed Mohamet does set the story straight about Yeshua in the Quran!
Here is an excellent vid from Dr Naik the renowned scholar of comparative scriptures, mostly the Vedas, Bible & Quran, which further proves all the above to be True;
Download Mohamet In The Bible (35 MB video)
Some believe there are even more verses from the Bible that direct us to the Quran and they may be correct but in the end all that really matters is whether the Quran is the last scripture from God. If so, all believers should read it, right? Of course, and especially given the above warnings of certain destruction for those who don’t!
Prophecies of Mohamet in Hindu Scriptures
1. Verse 5 of Bhavashya Puran: “His name will be Mohamet.” (Mahadev Arab) “O Ye! The pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia.” (Prati Sarg Parv III)
2. Sama Veda, II, 6, 8: “Mohamet acquired religious law from his Lord. This law of religion is full of (Gods’) Wisdom.”
3. Bhavishya Purana, Parv – III Khand 1 Adhay 3 Shloka 21-23: “… the followers of the Malechha dharma (Islam) are wise and brave people. All good qualities are found in the Muslims.”
4. Bhavishya Purana in the Pratisarag Parv III Khand 3 Adhay 3 Shloka 10 to 27: “… they will be known as Muslims and I (God) shall be the originator of his religion.”
5. Kuntap Suktas in Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13: “He is Mohamet.”
6. Atharvaveda Book XX Hymn 21 verse 6: Describes Mohamets’ well known and victorious battle of Ahzab against 10,000 enemy soldiers.
7. Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 21 verse no 9: “You have O Indra, overthrown 20 kings and 60,099 men with an outstripping Chariot wheel who came to fight Mohamet.”
8. Rigveda Book I, Hymn 53 verse 9: “He is Mohamet.”
9. Samveda Book II Hymn 6 verse 8: “Mohamet acquired from his Lord the knowledge of eternal law. I received light from him just as from the sun.”
NT Biblical Prophecies about Mohamet
1. Yeshua prophesied on Mohamet as “the comforter” to come: “He (God) shall give you another comforter.” (John 14:15) And; “For I have many things to say unto you, but you can’t bear them now.” (Like all prophets, Yeshuas’ messages were not complete. A last prophet was needed to deliver the final puzzle pieces from God, that’s the Quran.) ”He will show you things to come.” (John 16:14) Again, with literally 1,000s of prophecies made, Mohamet was by far the most prolific prophecier of all the prophets.
2. Many other Biblical mentions by name are found in the Gospel of Barnabas: (Originally in the NT) “Mohamet is his blessed name.”
The Greater Gospel of Barnabas
1. Barnabas was a very trusted friend and close companion of Yeshua. The Bible still refers to him as an “apostle”. (Acts 14:14) And “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.” (Acts 11:24)
2. The actual “Gospel of Barnabas” used to be part of the Bible. In 325 AD, the followers of the FALSE apostle Paul gained control of “the council of Nicea” and made the following changes:
- It canonized the 4 Greek Gospels that are read today. (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John)
- All other Gospels about Yeshua including the Gospel of Barnabas were ordered to be destroyed by said (corrupt) council of Nicea.
- The “Gospel of the Holy 12” about Yeshua is the only Gospel written in Aramaic (his native tongue) and was among them.
- There are no less than 25 mentions of Mohamet by Yeshua himself in the Greater Gospel of Barnabus. (17:2, 36:1, 39:2, 39:3, 41:6, 43:3, 43:4, 54:1, 55:2, 55:3, 55:4, 97:3, 112:3, 136:4, 137:1, 158:8, 163:2, 163:3, 191:2, 220:4) This of course is why it was hidden by the enemies in the first place. Indeed, due to those verses along with others with very blatant assertions by Yeshua himself saying that he was not God nor the son of God but rather just another prophet of God.
From the Gospel of Barnabas:
- Yeshua said: “God hath no equal… He hath no father nor mother, he hath no sons, nor brethren, nor companions.” (Barnabus 17)
- Yeshua said: “I am man, born of mortal woman, subject to the Judgment Of God, suffering the miseries of eating and sleeping, of cold and heat, like other men. When God shall come to judge, my words like a sword shall pierce each one that believes me to be more than man.” (Barnabus 93)
- “The priest asked Yeshua; Art thou the Messiah of God? He answered; Indeed I am NOT, but he (the 2nd David, Christ, Kalki, Mashiac, Mahdi, etc..) shall come after me.” (Barnabus 96)
A Little About The Holy Quran
1. The Quran is a collection of extremely concise messages from God which we now know is encoded with VERY advanced science and mathematics. It is still memorized word for original Arabic word by millions of people to this day. Not one single letter has changed making it the most well preserved book in the world.
2. Two of the earliest written copies still exist unscathed. One in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and the other in Istanbul, Turkey.
3. Sir William Muir wrote “There is probably in the world no other book which has remained 12 centuries with so pure a test.”
4. Dr. Maurice Bucaille, a French Christian, compared scientific facts in the Bible to the Quran. He writes: “I could not find a single error in the Quran”. No one ever has or ever will. (Quran 2:23-4)
5. Scores of scientific facts unknowable by humans 1400 years ago were revealed in the Quran. Every single one of them have now been proven to be scientifically correct via modern knowledge. i.e.:
- The “Big Bang” Creation & expansion of the Universe.
- Movements and orbital patterns of the Sun, Moon and Cosmos.
- Conception and states of embryological growth. (“The Developing Human” Prof. Keith Moore, Univ. of Toronto)
Indeed, due to technology we now have 1,000s of Quranic proofs many of which can be seen by all today for free at!
Pure Islam Is Monotheism
However . . . the words “Islam” and “Muslim” are NOT found anywhere in the Quran. But Monotheism IS! “Only the creed of Abraham, Monotheism inclines one to Truth.” (Quran 2:135) “So follow the creed of Abraham a Monotheist inclining to Truth.” (Quran 3:95)
- Monotheism is indeed the universal religion practiced and proselytized by ALL of Gods’ prophets for ALL of “mankind”. Both Jinn and Humans alike have the Quran. (Quran 46:29)
- Muslim means “one who submits” to the Will and Laws of God.
- All Monotheists gleefully submit to God because as we are really beginning to understand today, He Is “Omni” in every good way, The One and Only PERFECT Being that we as intelligent humans cannot even begin to comprehend. “He Is The Exalted, The Tremendous, The Incomprehensible.” (Quran 2:255)
The 5 Pillars Of Monotheism (NOT Islam)
1. Firm Belief: In the Existence Of YHWH, The One and Only God Who Alone Is The Sole Creator of the universe. And;
- In ALL Gods’ Messengers with Mohamet being His LAST Prophet.
- In ALL original versions of Gods’ scriptures. (Vedas, Bible, Quran)
- In Gods’ “Unseen” World of Angels and all things Supernatural.
- In resurrection, the Day of Judgment, interrogation and sentencing.
2. Prayer: Seeking Help and Guidance From God directly using Abrahams’ “Contact Prayer” and always giving thanks to God.
In The Name Of YHWH; The Almighty, The Merciful, All praise to You, Lord of the Worlds; The Merciful, The Compassionate. The Only Master of Judgement Day. You Alone we serve and to You Alone we Pray for help. Guide us on the Straight Path. The Path of those who have Your Blessing, not the ones with whom You’re Angry nor those who go astray. Thank You YHWH!
3. Fasting: Sunrise to sunset 1 month per yr. (for health/constitution)
4. Poor Dues: Giving what you have in excess to help others, benefit society and make life on Earth better for all things great and small.
5. Pilgrimage: . . . in Mohamets’ day, meant to journey to Mecca to worship God at Abrahams’ Kaaba. “They will come to thee (Mohamet) on foot and on lean camels.” (Quran 22:27) And today pilgrimage means to leave any situation where evil or oppression is rampant. So, now it’s basically emigration to promote Monotheism and protect the practice of Monotheism for everyone. “And whoever emigrates for the Cause Of God will find much refuge and abundance in the Earth.” (Quran 4:100) Hence those forced to leave their homes in the middle east today are actually being blessed by God. Indeed, these are among “…the meek who shall inherit the Earth.” (Mat 5:5)
What Does The Quran Say About . . .
Human Rights: Privacy, freedom, dignity, equality and CHOICE of faith are all guaranteed, it is based 100% on freewill. God Tells us: “There is no compulsion in religion.” (Q 2:256)
Universality of Monotheism: God Says: “We have sent you (Mohamet) as a mercy to all the worlds.” (Quran 21:107) This verse speaks of how Gods’ Messengers and Messages are for the benefit of all that exist in His Creations; Angels, Jinn, Humans and even Animals alike. It is all, for the good of all, from God!
“Jihad”: . . . means any effort in the path of God. It is often used to describe the constant struggle against the evil whisperings of jinn within ones mind, that is Jihad. Also, if innocents are being oppressed, it is the duty of all Monotheists to defend them. This too is Jihad. Jihad is never meant to force anybody to choose a particular religion. And no unjust act can be considered Jihad.
Womens’ Rights: . . . and honor are generally not respected by nontheists or polytheists. (Due to demonic influences disbelievers are infinitely more prone to combined with their lack of knowledge and respect for Gods’ Teachings against rape, domestic violence, frequent divorce, immorality, abortion, prostitution, intoxication, oppression, murder, low family values, etc.) Hence only Monotheists fully incline towards equality because it’s the Law. In many parts of the world women dare not walk on a dark street or even across an empty parking lot alone.
- 95% of the victims of domestic violence are women.
- Every 9 seconds a woman is assaulted. 4 women are murdered every day by their possessed boyfriends or husbands.
- 4,000,000 women a year are assaulted by their possessed partners.
- Family violence kills as many women every 5 years as the total number of Americans who died in the Vietnam War.
Monotheism enjoins morality in behavior AND appearance. Hence, fashions reducing women to sex objects are frowned upon.
The Quran: . . . gave women the right of inheritance and independent ownership, this was previously nonexistent in most of the world.
Women can work if they’d like: Mohamets’ 1st wife was VERY successful and then went on to distribute all her wealth in charity!
Protection of Womens’ Honor: “Those who accuse women (of cheating) must produce four witnesses.” (Quran 24:4)
Mohamet said:
- “Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.” And;
- “The best of you are those who are kindest with your wives.”
- “Generous are those who are good to women and wicked are those who insult them.” (Mohamet)
Status of Mothers: A man asked Mohamet: “Whom should I honor most?” The Prophet replied: “Your mother”. And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied: “Your mother”. And who comes next? asked the man. The Prophet replied: “Your mother!” And who comes next? asked the man. The Prophet replied: “Your father”.
Marriage: “He created for you mates from among yourselves … dwell in tranquility with them … He has put love and mercy between your hearts.” (Quran 30:21)
Independent Identity: Married women in Islam retain their independent legal personality and family name. They are not considered lower ranking, the property of or slaves to their husbands in any way!
Property of Wives: After Mohamet came with the Quran, women nor their families needed to present gifts (dowry) to attract a potential husband. Instead, the groom must now present the bride with a marriage gift and the bride may retain said gift even if she is later divorced.
Wage Earners: A wife is never obliged to act as a co-provider for the family unless she herself voluntarily chooses to do so.
Divorce: God discourages divorce, yet recognizes everyones’ rights to end their matrimonial relationships if necessary.
- “Live with them in kindness.” (Quran 4:19)
- “A believing man must not hate a believing woman. If he dislikes one of her traits he will be pleased with another.” (Mohamet)
The Dress Code: “O prophet say to thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to cover their finery with modest garments. This will help purify their days and gain them respect.” (Quran 33:59)
In Islam and nearly all the orthodoxies full covered dress is means of protection from unwanted attention/temptations on the parts of others.
False Polygamy: . . . or “serial polygamy” is oft repeated marriage then divorce, or; a married man with one or more girlfriends, or; an unmarried man with two or more girlfriends. Some make a great show of monogamy but actually practice said wrong form of polygamy.
Billy Graham: . . . the Evangelist admitted: “Islam has permitted polygamy as a solution to social ills.” It is because real polygamy among believers was meant to provide homes and families to more orphans and widows. Hence most corrupted countries have since outlawed it! And now using each other without taking responsibility or making a commitment is more and more common because the laws of disbelieving leaders reward dysfunction and punish righteousness!
Some Famous Quotes About Mohamet:
Bernard Shaw: (the British philosopher) said of Mohamet; “…the Savior of Humanity…..if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems.” (The Genuine Islam)
Gandhi: “It was not the sword that won a place for Islam. It was the rigid simplicity of Mohamet, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission.” (Young India)
Michael Hart: “My choice of Mohamet to lead the list as #1 of the world’s most influential persons was because he was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.” (From a popular book called “The 100: A Ranking Of The Most Influential Persons In History”.)
The Rational Choice:
Study: . . . the Pure Vedic, Biblical and Quranic texts, compare them all so YOU can make an informed choice towards Monotheism!
The Quran For Christians: . . . is the final Testament from Gods’ last messenger for all of mankind to use in correcting their lives until the Last Day of this world. i.e.; “…then comes to you a final messenger confirming What (scripture) I (YHWH) Gave you before.” (Quran 3:81) “I (God) Have Perfected your religion for you.” (Quran 5:3)
Ignorant people: . . . say Islam was “spread by ‘the sword”. This is a lie and there is not even mention of the word “sword” in the whole Quran. Also, it was God Himself and His Angels Who repeatedly “smote” the many cities full of wicked disbelievers across history.
Consider: . . . that it only took a few devote, peaceful Muslims to go to Indonesia and successfully spread Islamic Monotheism. Today that is the largest Monotheistic country on Earth!
And: There is NOT a single TV/Radio Station nor major newspaper or website owned or controlled by Muslims in the west. So, most of what westerners hear is anti-Muslim/Islam. Yet still Monotheism via Islam is the fastest growing religion all around the world!
The people: . . . most likely to accept Monotheism include learned priests, doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists, celebrities writers and scholars. Retirees, inmates and all others with free time also gravitate heavily, around 75% of all the above are women.
Monotheistic Muslim communities: . . . are now growing rapidly with over 4,000 mosques in the USA and Canada alone.
The FACTS herein leave zero room for doubt, Monotheism wins!
In Summary
Allah, Vishnu, Eloh, Yah and all other GENERIC variations like “God” are each referring to YHWH, The One True God. Adam, Moses, David, Yeshua, Mohamet and ALL the other Messengers of YHWH and their followers were MONOTHEISTS. Hence, True Islam and Muslims are the epitome of Monotheism. And there is only one reason that Monotheism isn’t practiced by all;
9/11 was done by THEM, then used to falsely demonize Islam and Muslims so the masses would remain ignorant about Monotheism and the Quran.
~ Peace to all our believing brethren ~